martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

How can I get my ex boyfriend back?

Question by jop: How can I get my ex boyfriend back?
Is it possible to get your ex back if they are still engaging with you, but it still seems hopeless? How can I get him back? The ending was very complicated as his dad become very ill. I think he just gave up on us so he had one less thing to deal with. What can I do to get this person back? Is it possible? We talked about marriage and a family, a new home, all of it.
What do I do?

Best answer:

Answer by panm
If he gave up on you then he lost his faith and trust in you. You have to be the hope and excitement in his life – the one thing he can count on to feel good.

Look back at your relationship and figiure out where you let him down. Come back to him with a new approach and you will gain a second chance.

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Categories: Get your ex back
Tags: Back, boyfriend

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