viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

Skin Rashes Natural Remedies

image A rash is caused by inflammation on the surface of our skin that could affect the entire body or a particular area, which changes the texture and color of the area affected. Though not all rashes are contagious you can find several out there that are: measles, chicken pox etc, and careful care remedies need to be taken for the infectious kind to prevent cross contamination. Some rashes just appear for no reason and though some can itch till you go mad there are a few out there which are fairly benign and just fade away after a couple of hours, with no reason or cause other than nerves.

There are a couple of factors out there that will cause this issue, allergies like food, plants, chemicals, animals, insects etc, are most likely on top of the pile of the principal triggers of all skin rashes but irritation and disease could also play a role.

Symptoms of a body rash tend to be small itchy or non-itchy bumps which are reddish in color and could be all over or area specific. Sometimes this affected area can have a burning or stinging sensation.

Widespread causes for skin rashes

allergic reaction to cosmetics, dyes, soaps etc
heat rash
dry skin

Skin Rashes Natural remedies that help cure, ease the itch and reduce the inflammation of a body rash:

1) Olive oil – apply to the affected area to provide relief as it has soothing qualities.

2) Chamomile tea or oil – wash the area with the tea or apply the oil gently to the area, this is very soothing

three) Aloe vera – really soothing when the sap is applied straight from the succulent plants leaves

4) Vitamin E oil – this wonder oil has numerous fantastic qualities and can soothe and heal numerous a illness or rash

5) Cod liver oil – stinky but soothing when applied to a rash

6) Oatmeal – even this boring breakfast food can assist with the itch of a rash, pour 1 cup of dry oats into your bath prior to hopping in and have a soak, not just does it assist reduce the itch but the oats can also assist in relieving inflammation.

You can find possibly many a lot more home remedies obtainable but I discovered these probably the most efficient when my children had problems with skin rashes, bites or allergic reactions.

Do’s and Don’ts with skin rashes Natural Remedies:


increase the patients vitamin C intake [has anti-oxidant properties]
use warm [not hot] water when cleaning the area and pat as opposed to rub the area when drying
expose the affected area to air as significantly as achievable
steer clear of recognized foods that cause a reaction
test a new product [soap, detergent, make-up,etc] on a modest area [inner elbow works the best] of the patient who is inclined to react just before really putting it into general use
stop using any product [lotions, creams, etc] that causes a allergic reaction right away

Do not

expose the area to direct sunlight
scrub the affected area
put any lotions or creams [other than prescribed ointments or creams] over the area

If no improvement is noted within a couple of days please consult together with your physician as there might be other medical causes to rash.

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