martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

Getting Toner For American Family Insurance Agents

American Family Insurance agents can get toner for their copy machines as well as other office products when they go to an online retailer that will sell different types of toner cartridges.  You are better off to get toner when you order over the internet than if you purchase it off line as you end up saving money.  No matter what type of toner you need, chances are that you can get the right cartridge for you when you use American Family Insurance toner cartridges.

Agents are not the only people who can take advantage of the toner prices that are online.  Most people today realize the value of shopping online, especially when it comes to computer equipment and ink cartridges.  You are better off to get the toner online as opposed to an off line retailer where you will pay full price.  You get a discount plus the convenience of having the toner sent directly to your home when you order online.

The toner can be delivered right to your home or office when you order online.  The one thing that you need to be sure of is that you are ordering the correct toner for your machine  You should check out the type of equipment that you have when you are ordering toner from an online site so that you can be sure that you are getting the right type of product that you need.  You do not want to take a chance and order the wrong cartridge for your computer as this will not work.  However, as long as you know what type of toner cartridge you need for the type of equipment that you are using, you will find what you are looking for when you are online.

When you order toner off line, you pay a higher price, especially if you order from a supplier.  The supplier will take a percentage of profit for the toner that is not as high as when you place an online order.  Online companies do not have the overhead as an off line store which is how you can save money.  Once you are certain about the type of toner that you need for your computer, you can order more than one cartridge.  You are better off to always have a toner cartridge on hand in case you run out of ink.  The last thing that you want to do is to have to rush out and pay full price for a toner cartridge when you need it.  It is always advisable to have an extra toner cartridge on hand when you are reliant on it for your business.

American Family Insurance is a company that provides insurance coverage for various purposes.  Those who have used American Family Insurance have been able to get both home insurance, life insurance as well as car insurance.  It is one of the most respected insurance industries in the United States.  Agents can order toner at a discount when they go to a site that is specifically designed for their needs when it comes to toner cartridges.

When you are looking for Toner cartridges, you should go with a trusted name.  American Family Insurance is one of the most trusted names in insurance coverage.  You can get this product when you go to AmFamToner.

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Venta de Motorreductores, Reductores y Motores Electricos



Variacion Electromecanica a estado presente en el mercado de la venta de Motorredutores, Reductores de Velocidad, Motores Electricos y equipo de control, dentro del Area Metropolitana de la Ciudad de Mexico y del Interior de la Republica desde el año 2001, por lo que ha adquirido la experiencia necesaria para brindar orientacion y asistencia, asi mismo se ha distiguido por el excelente trato al cliente y la oportuna respuesta a lo requerido.

Nuestros Productos

Nuestra empresa esta dedicada a la venta de Motorreductores, Reductores Velocidad en todas sus categorias, como los son "Reductores Cycloidales","Reductores de Corona y Sinfin", "Reductores de Engranes Helicoidales", y contamos con una amplia gama de relaciones de reduccion que van desde la 3:1 hasta la 100:1 y doble reduccion hasta 5000:1 de linea (Verticales, Horizontales, flecha hueca de entrada de salida etc.) , asi como la venta de Motores Electricos, Equipo de Control, Armado de Tableros Automatizados segun necesidades y tambien para aplicaciones especiales

(55) 53-17-32-07CONTACTENOS

Ciruelo #41 Fracc. San Rafael,Tlalnepantla Edo. de Mex.

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

The Value Of Life Insurance Agents To The Company

If the American people have enjoyed a greater measure of security through life insurance than have the people of other countries, it is largely because of the agency system of operation, which had its origin and development in this country. The agent is the key figure in the American life insurance business. It is through his efforts that the companies come in contact with their policyholders and serve them.

Through his activities one half of our population has acquired the security of insurance and an even greater proportion are its beneficiaries. A century of experience has repeatedly demonstrated that the services of the agent are indispensable; that wherever the business has attempted to operate without this personal intermediary between public and company, the result has been either a very small amount of protection sold, or outright failure.

The American life insurance agent has carried the gospel of thrift to every corner of our land. He has been the greatest single educational force in the term life insurance business regarding the question “what is term life insurance?” and what an affordable life insurance policy is really made up of.

In canvassing and in advising, he instructs huge numbers of people regarding the variety of insurance plans and programs available and their many uses. The 0,000,000,000 of life insurance now in force in the United States and Canada are a monument to the American life insurance agent, and a fine tribute to his effective ministration. This is particularly true of the Metropolitan agent.

Throughout the history of the company he has devoted the bulk of his efforts to the great mass of the American population – the wage earners whose life insurance needs were long neglected. Pioneering has become a tradition with him. Several generations ago he blazed a trail to bring the benefits of industrial insurance to large sections of our people.

He became one of the first to open the door of ordinary insurance to wage earners, and later pioneered in making this form of protection available to those who could afford as little as 0 of life insurance, to those whose health was impaired, and to those who worked at hazardous occupations, in other words, to the people who needed it most. It can truly be said that the Metropolitan agent was as popular in the town as the family doctor.

He called regularly at the homes of his families to receive premiums, and among his many services, credited annual dividends on industrial policies, completed claim forms, delivered checks, and would offer advice on life insurance rates, low cost life insurance, and the best kind of policy for each family.

These frequent visits and his knowledge of family affairs brought him into a warm, personal relationship with his policyholders and made it easy for him to sense their needs and to advise changes in the insurance program as circumstances required, as well as to stimulate interest in additional life insurance.

However, the Metropolitan agent certainly did not conceive of his job as limited to selling and servicing life insurance. He has assumed some of the duties of the social worker in the broadest sense of the term. Since the inauguration of the company’s welfare program, he actively participated in furthering the health and well being of his policyholders and of the community in general. The conception of life insurance not merely as a business but as a social institution became firmly rooted in the entire field force.

It is clear from the old records that President Knapp and Vice-President Hegeman had constructive and progressive ideas with regard to sales promotion and the responsibilities and services of agents. The executives were aware that much of the success and the character of the business depended upon their sending out intelligent, earnest representatives. The fact is, however, that because of the keen competition and the prevailing high rates of commission, the desire to build an adequate and competent field force remained a pious hope rather than a reality.

Such agents as were connected with the company during this period were mostly part time men who sold life insurance as a side line. They had no way of knowing that in the future insurance agents would be replaced by online life insurance quotes! The bulk of the insurance business written in the first 11 years of the company’s existence was on the lives of the members of a German speaking society.

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miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Herramientas De Marketing Claves Para Generar Ingresos Web

Para generar ingresos web es necesario hacer uso de ciertas herramientas de marketing, pues éstas a más de ahorrarnos mucho tiempo, automatizando parte de nuestras tareas, nos da la posibilidad de mostrarnos más profesionales ante los ojos de nuestros clientes potenciales.

Hay 3 herramientas de marketing básicas que debes tener si deseas tener resultados y éstas son:

1. Hosting (Donde alojas tus páginas web)

2. Constructor páginas web

3. Autorespondedor (Para darle seguimiento a tus prospectos)

Hosting: Aquí es donde estarán tus páginas alojadas para ser mostradas a toda la red, ya sean páginas de venta, páginas de aterrizaje, blogs, etc.

Constructor de páginas web: Antes de subir tus páginas a un hosting para que se muestren online, primero debes diseñarlas, escribir el texto, poner imágenes, en fin.

Autorespondedor: Esta al igual que las 2 herramientas de marketing anteriores, es clave, pues es con esta como le daremos seguimiento a nuestros prospectos, imaginate tener una lista de prospectos de 4.000-5.000 personas, sería muy difícil mandarles un email a todos y cada cierto tiempo manualmente.

Es precisamente ahí donde entra la tecnología del autorespondedor, permitiendo automatizar y organizar los emails que enviarás a tus prospectos, según la fecha, prospecto, etc.

En la red puedes encontrar una infinidad de alternativas de éstas herramientas de marketing, algunas gratuitas, otras de pago.

En lo personal te recomiendo usar las de pago, pues por un costo muy bajo tendrás un servicio profesional y garantizado, además de un soporte constante, ya que las herramientas de marketing gratuitas por lo general tienden a desaparecer el rato menos pensado, llevándose toda tu información, haciéndote perder en segundos mucho tiempo de trabajo.

Además, que por un servicio gratuito no tendrás derecho reclamar nada.

No lo tomes como un gasto, pues pagar por estas herramientas de marketing en realidad es una inversión, ya que por ahorrarte $20-$30 puedes estar perdiendo a la final mucho más que eso, pues hay un dicho que dice “lo barato siempre sale caro”.


Categories: Marketing
Tags: comprar hosting, email hosting, hospedaje web hosting, hosting cpanel, hosting economico, hosting email, hosting en español, hosting español, hosting ftp, Hosting México, hosting paypal, hosting profesional, hosting web mexico, mejor hosting, mejores hosting, web hosting, web hosting barato, web hosting economico, web hosting en méxico, web hosting ftp, web hosting linux, web hosting mexico, web hosting php, webhosting

Innovative Solar LED Parking & Area Lights Go Incognito (No Visible Panels or Battery Box)

Progress Solar Solutions, LLC, an innovator in providing high-performance, eco-friendly and cost-effective solar solutions for commercial, government, institutional and residential communities, announced they are now offering a unique solar outdoor lighting product developed and manufactured through Inovus Solar. The Solar LED light resembles a common shoebox parking and area light fixture and pole but is powered 100% by renewable energy instead of electricity. However, instead of using solar panels and a visible battery box the pole is wrapped in solar cells and the batteries and “brains” of the SmartPole™ are completely housed within the base of the pole.

The Solar LED SmartPole is made in the U.S., and operates completely independent of the electric grid. The system consists of a high-performance brilliant white LED light with a 16 year life that is provided in any standard IES light pattern; a 25 ft’ pole internally houses the batteries and electronics within the base of the pole, and is wrapped with solar cells covered with a Teflon-like coating;. The system offers dimming with the ability to start out at 100% light intensity, then dim at a designated time with motion detectors to bring the light back to 100% when anyone is nearby. The SmartPole has been tested in some of the most extreme environments and offers the best-in-class autonomy.

Dan Robertson, a partner for Progress Solar Solutions, commented, “We are proud to partner with Inovus Solar to bring this innovative Solar LED SmartPole to the area. The SmartPole is a functional, attractive and affordable solar lighting option. Solar LED outdoor lights provide brilliant white lighting; eliminate expensive trenching and electrical lines, significantly reduces the cost and labor for maintenance, and totally eliminates ongoing electrical energy costs.”

Clay Young, the co-founder and CEO of Inovus Solar added, “Working with Progress Solar Solutions is great. They are capable of offering a turn-key solution including site lighting design, our SmartPoles, installation, maintenance and financing”.

For more information on Progress Solar Solutions, LLC and the Inovus Solar SmartPole, call (919) 363-3738 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting   (919) 363-3738 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, x405 or visit

About Progress Solar Solutions, LLC
Progress Solar Solutions, LLC a privately held NC company provides high-performance, eco-friendly, cost-effective solar solutions for commercial, government, institutional and residential community applications. The company specializes in routine use applications like solar outdoor lighting, solar thermal hot water and providing photovoltaic (PV) panels to generate energy.

Sunforce 39110 123-Watt High-Efficiency Polycrystalline Solar Panel with Sharp Module

    · Advanced polycrystalline design is highly efficient and provides superior power output

    · Maximum power output: 123 Watts/7.16 Amps

    · Multiple panels can be connected together for even more power

    · Easy to install and virtually maintenance-free

    · 25-year warranty

    SHARP polycrystalline 123W solar kit that can produce 7.16 amps. Kit comes complete with a male D/C plug, mounting bracket and screws, battery clamps, voltage tester, quick connectors, and extra wiring. Ideal for boats, RV, 12v battery charging, pumps, satellite dishes, and many other uses. Easy to install, weatherproof, and allows for connecting multiple panels for more power. Unit has a 25-year warranty.The Sunforce 39110 123-Watt High-Efficiency Polycrystalline Solar Panel Module will give yo

viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

¿Quién es mi público objetivo en Internet? ¿A quién quiero dirigirme?

target-audienceEste punto es muy importante. Mucho más de lo que a simple vista pueda parecer, porque Internet le da a tu empresa la oportunidad de acceder a usuarios/clientes a los que hasta ahora no se había dirigido o a los que no podía alcanzar. Quizá clientes de otras zonas geográficas, o de otros sectores de negocio, etc…

No olvides que es relativamente frecuente en Internet encontrarse con clientes que jamás hubiéramos imaginado que podían interesarse por nuestros productos. Por otro lado, también es cierto que por Internet sólo podemos acceder al público que está conectado. No, a los que no lo están.

Saber a que tipo de personas nos dirigimos, nos ayudará a adecuar nuestra imagen y el tipo de lenguaje que vamos a utilizar a sus gustos y preferencias. Por ejemplo, si tu negocio se dirige a niños y chicos jóvenes, tu sede web deberá tener una imagen desenfadada y utilizar un lenguaje coloquial. Por el contrario, si la sede web de tu negocio se dirige a empresas, deberá tener una imagen más profesional y usar un lenguaje mucho más formal, ¿no te parece?.

Por eso es importante que definas bien quién es tu público objetivo. Te recomendamos que hagas el siguiente ejercicio:

Escribe quién y cómo es tu cliente tipo (el estándar, el tipo de cliente que sueles tener o al que quieres dirigirte). Descríbelo: edad media, perfil socio-económico, intereses, motivaciones, necesidades…

Ahora piensa en si hay algún tipo de cliente/empresa a quien también te gustaría dirigirte, porqué puede representar la oportunidad de hacer nuevos (y buenos) negocios. Haz el mismo ejercicio: descríbelo tan detalladamente como puedas.

Muchas veces, el tipo de público objetivo a quien queremos dirigirnos viene definido también por el objetivo de nuestra sede web. Es decir ¿qué es lo queremos conseguir con nuestra sede web en Internet?. ¿Queremos simplemente tener una presencia corporativa?. ¿Queremos fidelizar a nuestros actuales clientes?. ¿Queremos captar nuevos clientes?. ¿Queremos diferenciarnos de nuestros competidores tomando una actitud proactiva en lugar de pasiva?.

En definitiva, antes de encargar nuestra sede web, debemos tener claro a quien nos dirigimos y qué es lo que queremos conseguir con ella. En caso contrario, y permítenos que insistamos, vas a perder tu tiempo y tu dinero.

Lewis Carroll, en boca de Alicia (de “El país de las maravillas”) decía: “Si no sabes a dónde vas, nunca llegarás a ninguna parte”. Como ves, estos temas son muy importantes. Por ello, en el siguiente capítulo seguiremos hablando de ellos.

Fuente de Informacion:

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jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

Why are solar energy systems ideal for Danville homes and commercial set-ups?

Solar electric systems are believed to be the best eco-friendly electric systems for residential and commercial set ups in Danville, East Bay, San Ramon, Walnut Creek, and other parts of California. The solar electric systems can be used to power homes or businesses. By virtue of using this natural form of energy, the solar electric systems help reduce the dependency on non-renewable energy forms like gas, oil, and other fuels. It helps households and businesses to participate actively in energy conservation.

Solar electric systems in Danville can easily meet varied domestic and commercial energy requirements. Solar panels are able to tap the maximum amount of solar energy and utilize it for powering anything you can plug into an outlet. Depending on your solar electric system, the energy generated which is not used can be stored in large batteries.

Solar electric panels generate what can be termed as “green energy” as they do not release carbon dioxide and other harmful substances in to the air. This helps home owners and industries contribute towards reducing their carbon footprint in the environment, thereby reducing global warming and air pollution.

Solar power systems offer an economical energy solution to households and commercial set ups who are tired of ever increasing energy costs. Solar energy systems can help reduce electricity bills by almost 60-70% and thereby save a good amount of money for the users. Moreover, the Government pays for upto 45% of the initial cost and after installation, you can enjoy free energy with very small initial costs.

If you wish to enjoy the benefits offered by solar electric systems, buy a solar system today. There are several stores that sell solar electric systems. Some of them even provide professional installation services for residential and commercial set ups to let the users get the most out of their solar electric systems.

If you are wondering where you can buy the highest quality solar electric systems at competitive rates, please visit Diablo Solar is a leading provider of high quality solar power panels in Danville, East Bay, San Ramon and solar energy systems in Walnut Creek at attractive rates.

Como beneficiar mi actividad en internet con las redes sociales (parte I)

Hoy en día, muchas decisiones de compra, un coche, un teléfono o un viaje, se fundamentan en opiniones leídas en foros. “Internet y las redes sociales son los medios por el cual se pueden pronosticar situaciones futuras”.
Aun no hay muchas empresas, pero están empezando a aflorar algunas empresas que con diferentes metodologías, acompañan a sus clientes en su posicionamiento en Internet.

En los últimos meses, me he encontrado con muchas empresas y clientes con gran cantidad de estrategias SEO, las cuales, el objetivo es sacar la máxima efectividad de éstas para el máximo posicionamiento orgánico posible (posicionamiento en buscadores).

Hay infinidad de prácticas y estrategias para estas técnicas. Muchos de los que estamos en el tema, por ejemplo inducíamos a clientes, profesionales y empresas que utilizaran los comentarios en post de blogs y foros relacionados con su temática con el fin de incluir un enlace hacia su web, aunque también hay que decir que hay abusos en estas prácticas y hay empresas que se han convertido en spamers totales.

Esta bien el tema de incluir comentarios en blogs, como ya lo veremos mas adelante, pero lo primero sería utilizar esta práctica sin abusos y siendo honestos, por ejemplo revelando nuestra identidad.

Así y todo, con el crecimiento y auge que están teniendo las redes sociales y la decisión de muchas empresas en realizar estrategias en redes sociales, estamos a la puerta de un nuevo horizonte y una nueva manera de dar mayor visibilidad y oportunidad a una marca, producto o servicio.

Lo mejor de esto, es que además, podemos utilizar las redes sociales tales como YouTube o Twitter, no solo para apuntar un enlace a nuestra pagina web, sino como motor para promocionar nuestra imagen de marca.

YouTube por ejemplo, permite no solo la inclusión de vídeos, los tags para que los usuarios encuentren el contenido que están buscando relacionado con la temática de una web y también incluir un enlace que apunta hacia la página web.

Todo ello le permite al usuario que esté interesado ver y acceder a la página fácilmente. Pero ahí no termina la estrategia, se puede seguir utilizando este canal de promoción (YouTube) para mostrar mas sobre nosotros, sobre nuestra empresa o marca y no tan solo eso, también para mostrar quien o quienes estamos detrás de todo ello. Nos estamos refiriendo a mostrar videos de carácter personal, que el visitante vea que existen personas reales detrás de una marca o empresa.

Twitter: Es una herramienta que debe utilizarse de manera inteligente, no sólo puede potenciar una mayor viralidad y conseguir seguidores de nuestra página web, además de que Google está indexando los tweets y se pueden ver en los resultados de búsqueda del buscador. El objetivo en este caso, es conseguir “seguidores” y obviamente los que “seguimos”.

¿Que tenemos para este caso? Una amplia red de seguidores y seguidos, que tantos unos como otros tendrán también sus “seguidores” y “seguidos”, nos da como resultado una amplia red de “potenciales” contactos, con perfiles vinculados a los cuales podemos llegar. El fin ultimo es aprender a utilizar esta amplia red.

Sobre todo lo dicho, podemos agregar que “hay que saber o investigar cual es la red que mas se adapta a nuestros objetivos, antes de iniciar una estrategia”.


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Photovoltaics: Design and Installation Manual

  • ISBN13: 9780865715202
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    Producing electricity from the sun using photovoltaic (PV) systems has become a major industry worldwide. But designing, installing and maintaining such systems requires knowledge and training, and there have been few easily accessible, comprehensive guides to the subject.Now, with Photovoltaics: Design and Installation Manual, a world-class solar energy training and education provider—Solar Energy International (SEI)—has made available the critical information to successfully design, instal


martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

Venta de Motorreductores, Reductores y Motores Electricos


Variacion Electromecanica a estado presente en el mercado de la venta de Motorredutores, Reductores de Velocidad, Motores Electricos y equipo de control, dentro del Area Metropolitana de la Ciudad de Mexico y del Interior de la Republica desde el año 2001, por lo que ha adquirido la experiencia necesaria para brindar orientacion y asistencia, asi mismo se ha distiguido por el excelente trato al cliente y la oportuna respuesta a lo requerido.

Nuestros Productos

Nuestra empresa esta dedicada a la venta de Motorreductores, Reductores Velocidad en todas sus categorias, como los son "Reductores Cycloidales","Reductores de Corona y Sinfin", "Reductores de Engranes Helicoidales", y contamos con una amplia gama de relaciones de reduccion que van desde la 3:1 hasta la 100:1 y doble reduccion hasta 5000:1 de linea (Verticales, Horizontales, flecha hueca de entrada de salida etc.) , asi como la venta de Motores Electricos, Equipo de Control, Armado de Tableros Automatizados segun necesidades y tambien para aplicaciones especiales

MANVILLE: Three Manville sites included in contract for solar panels

A Branchburg firm has been selected by the Somerset County Improvement Authority to construct solar arrays on public-sector rooftops and properties around the county, including the Manville Public Library, Weston Elementary School and Manville High School. Construction is expected to begin by year-end and be completed by December 2011.

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Sharp seals Recurrent solar acquisition
Jessica Shankleman, BusinessGreen , Friday 5 November 2010 at 11:56:00 Electronics giant boosts its position in the solar market after buying American PV firm Sharp has completed its acquisition of the US solar project developer Recurrent Energy, bolstering its position as one of the world’s leading producers of solar panels. Reccurent today confirmed it is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Sharp …

Board mulls public use of new .5M athletic fields
BORDENTOWN TOWNSHIP This issue of when, how often and for what price the public will be able to use the brand new $ 8.5 million athletic fields at Bordentown Regional High School is being pondered by school district officials.
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