miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

Good credit score secrets

clip_image001Even though it’s more important than ever to be familiar with your credit score and what affects that crucial number, experts say a lot of Americans don’t know nearly as much as they should about what they do that can impact their score. WalletPop got on the phone with John Ulzheimer, president of consumer education at Credit.com to find out more. We also caught up with Barry Paperno, consumer operations manager for FICO, via email to ask him to spill some credit score secrets.

For instance, many people think that if they pay their bills on time, their credit score must be good. Right? Wrong, say our experts. Even if you always pay on time, if your cards are close to being maxed out, your score isn’t going to be as high as it could be, since borrowing up to the hilt looks like a risk factor to the credit bureaus. Surprised? Read on to find out five more credit secrets that can help you get the credit score you deserve.

1. Pay off revolving debt first. There are two different kinds of debt most of us carry: installment debts, which are generally secured by collateral (such as a car loan), and revolving debt, such as credit card balances. Since credit card balances are unsecured — the company can’t repossess the spoils of your last shopping spree if you don’t pay up — they’re viewed as much riskier in the FICO equation. As a result, paying off revolving debt boosts your credit score more than paying off a comparable amount of installment debt. “Paying off installment debt has such a small impact on your score,” says Ulzheimer. “Last year, I paid off a 4,000 mortgage and my score went up four points.” In other words, put that overtime check, bonus or tax refund toward credit card bills if you want the most bang for your high-score buck.

2. Payments to collection agencies don’t boost your score. By the time a debt goes to a third-party collection firm, the original lender (your credit card company, for instance) has already written off the loan as a loss and noted that delinquency on your report. While there are a host of good reasons — such as not getting sued and not being pestered with phone calls at all hours — to pay the bill once a third party collector has it, those payments won’t count toward your FICO score and won’t erase the notation of delinquency.

Likewise, if you get dinged with an insufficient funds fee at your bank and “retaliate” by closing the account or not putting any more money into it, you can get slapped with a collection action by your bank that will negatively impact your score. “In addition to bank account debt, such collection accounts can also arise from utility bills, parking tickets, and even library fines – and can often impact your score as much as unpaid credit card or loan debt,” Paperno warns. Bottom line: Pay those bills before they’re sent to a collection agency if you want to preserve your score.

3. Accentuate the positive. While you obviously want to make sure that black marks like missed payments don’t stay on your report any longer than necessary, it’s perfectly okay and even desirable to have old accounts that were in good standing still listed. For instance, say you paid off a car loan and never made a late payment on it. While you could lobby the bureaus to take that information off your report, it’s more beneficial to leave it on, says Ulzheimer. “This is a great example of when less is more. Don’t ask them to take it off if it’s in good standing.”

4. Opening and closing accounts can lower your score. “FICO’s research has found that opening a new account is predictive of increased risk, and opening any type of credit account or loan action can lower one’s score,” explains Paperno. The good news, he adds, is that your score will rise back to its original level within a few months if you keep the balance low and make your payments on time.

Closing cards can ding you because it skews your credit utilization ratio — that is, how much of your available credit you’ve used — when that line of credit suddenly vanishes. For this reason, experts say to use all your cards at least occasionally. An unused card does you no good if the issuer cancels it due to inactivity.

5. Borrowing more to pay down your debt is dicey. Despite the fact that Americans are often pitched offers of “consolidation” loans by their bank or mortgage lender, taking on more debt to eliminate your credit card bills is a risky proposition. “You’re borrowing from Peter to pay Paul,” says Ulzheimer. Since most consolidation loans are home equity loans backed by your house, failure to get a handle on your spending and pay off your debts as intended could have catastrophic consequences, he points out. “If you miss these payments, the down side is much more significant.” There’s also the fact, as we pointed out above, that opening new accounts can at least temporarily lower your score.

However, taking out an installment loan to pay off your credit card bills could prove beneficial — with one significant caveat. As Paperno points out, installment debt doesn’t drag down your score the way a bunch of maxed out credit cards can, so if — and this is the big “if” — you have the discipline to pay off your cards with that new loan money and stop using the cards until the installment loan is paid off, you could raise your score. But as Paperno points out, it takes a super-sized helping of discipline in order to make this tactic successful.

Free Tips to Check and Improve Your Credit Score

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

Toshiba 15lv505 best price

Want the toshiba 15lv505 best price? We have searched all the major retailers, including Walmart, Target, Best Buy and Amazon. Of all the prices checked, Amazon.com offers the best price for the toshiba 15lv505 15.6-Inch Widescreen LCD TV with Built-in DVD Player.

Also, apart from getting the best price, Free shipping is included (US only).

Buying at Amazon.com gives you piece of mind, because of their reputation as a serious retailer. Make sure you opt to receive their offers because they treat their clients very well.

The product is in Stock, so order now, because it they usually sell fast.

From the Manufacturer

The convenient all-in-one Toshiba 15LV505 LCD TV with integrated DVD player.

Jack pack on the back.

Key Features

  • 15.6-inch

  • widescreen, TFT LCD display that’s great for viewing standard, high-definition programming. The display also features a 250 cd/m2 brightness rating, 500:1 contrast ratio, and a 5ms response time.
  • Native 720p HD resolution (1366 x 768)
  • 170-degree horizontal viewing angle for easy viewing from the side (150-degree vertical viewing angle).
  • Built-in slot-loading DVD player that’s also compatible with DVD-R/RW, standard audio CDs, and CD-R/RW media. Other features include digital picture zoom, fast scan, slow motion, and multi-camera angle selection.
  • Play MP3 files burned to disc
  • Dolby Digital and DTS compatible output multi-channel audio experience and unsurpassed three-dimensional audio performance rivaling the best movie theaters. You can also connect this TV to a DTS-compatible receiver/decoder via its digital audio output for playback of high-resolution multi-channel DTS-encoded DVDs and CDs.
  • Bottom mounted stereo speakers with bass and treble controls
  • Cinema Mode for brilliant playback of films on DVD
  • ColorStream HD component video input delivers a clean picture to your TV via three cables (color-labeled in green, blue, red; also referred to as Y/Pb/Pr) and keeps all of the picture elements separate, increasing color resolution.
  • V-Chip parental controls
  • Closed captioning
  • Tri-lingual onscreen menus in English, French and Spanish
  • Included remote control
  • Meets ENERGY STAR 3.0 certifications


  • Component: 1 (with 1 pair of left/right analog audio inputs)
  • Composite A/V: 1 (with 1 pair of left/right analog audio inputs)
  • S-Video: 1
  • RF antenna input: 1
  • Digital audio output: 1
  • Headphone jack: 1


  • TV with stand: 15.84 x 12.61 x 5.52 inches (WxHxD); 7.7 pounds

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Pros y Contras de Windows vs Linux Web Hosting

Una de las opciones que muchos usuarios tienen que hacer la hora de elegir proveedor de alojamiento web que van a quedarse con en los próximos años es sobre el alojamiento Web del sistema operativo. Mientras que hay toneladas de los sistemas operativos de una empresa de alojamiento web podría funcionar internamente en, o como una plataforma para los sitios de sus clientes, por lo general la elección de sistemas operativos se reduce a Linux y Windows.

Linux vs Windows

Linux y Windows son los sistemas operativos dos grandes de alojamiento web. Tradicionalmente Linux fue el primer sistema operativo para ser utilizado en Windows de alojamiento web, pero se está imponiendo rápidamente. Ambos sistemas operativos tienen sus pros y sus contras y como usted ha conjeturado probablemente, en algunos casos uno de ellos es la mejor opción, y en otros casos es todo lo contrario.

La elección entre Linux y Windows de alojamiento de hosting se encuentra fuertemente afectada por las preferencias personales de la una a la elección. Linux y Windows son dos sistemas operativos más importantes – uno de ellos (Linux) es de código abierto, mientras que el otro (Windows) no comparte su código fuente con el mundo. Ambos campos tienen sus partidarios y hasta cierto punto es cierto que la discusión si Windows o Linux de alojamiento web es mejor es un “religioso” debate sobre el código abierto vs software propietario en general. En cierto sentido, la disputa de Windows vs Linux web hosting es como las morenas frente a controversias rubias – ambos contendientes tienen pros y los contras, y es en gran medida una cuestión de preferencias personales.

De todos modos, con el fin de ayudarle a tomar una decisión informada acerca de Linux y Windows de alojamiento web, vamos a tratar de resumir algunos de los principales puntos a tener en cuenta antes de tomar la decisión:


¿Sus aplicaciones demanda OS o el otro? Uno de los temas más importantes a considerar al elegir Windows o Linux alojamiento web es lo que las aplicaciones que se ejecutan en el servidor. Muchas aplicaciones pueden ejecutarse tanto en Windows como Linux y algunas aplicaciones se hacen solamente para una de las plataformas y puertos para el otro. Sin embargo hay casos, cuando las aplicaciones que se planea ejecutar una limitación y te obligan elegir Linux o Windows.

Aunque sus aplicaciones son portados desde el otro sistema operativo, por lo general estas aplicaciones funcionan mejor en su ambiente natural – es decir, Apache en Linux,. NET en Windows, por lo que si están atados a una tecnología, de hecho su elección (por suerte o por desgracia) ha ya se han hecho. En cualquier caso, usted debe asegurarse de antemano qué sistema operativo de su demanda de aplicaciones debido a la migración de un sitio más tarde no es divertido.

Es vital de seguridad para usted? Apenas hay un web master, que diga que él o ella no se preocupa por la seguridad. Sin embargo, en algunos casos la seguridad es especialmente importante y no puede permitirse el lujo de hacer compromisos con eso. En términos generales, Linux es considerado más seguro (en especial las distribuciones seguros), pero Windows también se puede asegurar bien, si los administradores saben que sus puestos de trabajo. Así, en términos de seguridad no hay un ganador claro – usted puede tener Linux y un mal administrador y esto es más de un riesgo para la seguridad de Windows y un verdadero profesional para administrarlo.

Precio. Por regla general, los paquetes de hosting que utilizan Linux son más baratos y esto no es a expensas de la calidad! paquetes de hosting Linux son más baratos porque Linux es libre, mientras que el dinero costos de Windows y su proveedor de alojamiento ha de cobrar unos céntimos / dólares más por el derecho de licencia que él o ella ha pagado por Windows. Sin embargo, todos iguales, en la mayoría de los casos la diferencia de precio debido al sistema operativo utilizado es bastante insignificante y apenas es un factor crítico.

Entrenamiento. Otra cosa a tener en cuenta es la facilidad de uso. En el caso de Windows vs Linux web hosting, la diferencia es insignificante. Lo que elija, la curva de aprendizaje para usted no será muy diferente. Si está utilizando Windows como sistema operativo de escritorio, no se preocupe acerca de si usted elige Linux, que va a tener que aprender miles de cosas nuevas – más de las veces que vas a utilizar aplicaciones basadas en Web para acceder a su sitio, así que independientemente del sistema operativo que elija, estas aplicaciones son más o menos lo mismo (en realidad, lo más probable es que usted va a utilizar principalmente un navegador web y / o un cliente de FTP para acceder a su sitio).

Su prueba del servidor. Otra de las limitaciones que pueda tener en su elección entre Linux y Windows de alojamiento web proviene del sistema operativo de su servidor de prueba. Es muy recomendable tener un servidor de pruebas, donde se implementa los cambios y probarlos antes de su subir a su sitio vivo. Si por alguna razón usted no puede conseguir un servidor de pruebas con el sistema operativo de su elección (por ejemplo, las regulaciones de su empresa dictan que sólo vas a usar Windows), entonces esto es también una limitación. Sin embargo, a diferencia de aplicaciones vinculadas a un sistema operativo, es más fácil para encontrar una solución a este problema – si no otra cosa es posible, se puede establecer un servidor de pruebas con el sistema operativo de su elección en el hogar y conectarse de forma remota para poner a prueba tus cambios.

Sus preferencias personales. Por último, una más pro / con usted necesita tomar en cuenta, son sus preferencias personales. Ya hemos mencionado que la controversia si Windows o Linux es mejor como un sistema de hospedaje web de funcionamiento no es exactamente un uno racional (a excepción de las aplicaciones / tecnologías, que funcionen únicamente con uno de estos sistemas operativos), así que sus preferencias personales pueden ser el mayor pro / con en el proceso de toma de decisiones.

¿Está usted confundido respecto de los cuales uno que es la mejor opción? No – no hay una respuesta clara a esta pregunta! En realidad, en la mayoría de los casos no importa si eliges Windows o Linux como su plataforma de web hosting – lo que importa más es que usted elige un proveedor confiable con poco tiempo de inactividad o no, buen ancho de banda, y asequibles (que no significa necesariamente precios bajos). Si sus aplicaciones / tecnologías no le obligan a elegir Linux o Windows, lo que usted elige, es una buena opción!

Fuente: www.alojate.com

Tags: comprar hosting, email hosting, hospedaje web hosting, hosting cpanel, hosting economico, hosting email, hosting en español, hosting español, hosting ftp, Hosting México, hosting paypal, hosting profesional, hosting web mexico, mejor hosting, mejores hosting, web hosting, web hosting barato, web hosting economico, web hosting en méxico, web hosting ftp, web hosting linux, web hosting mexico, web hosting php, webhosting

miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010

Laptops – Helping You To Surpass Personal Computer Limitations

clip_image001Technology has made a great impact on the business atmosphere as several businesses could not function now with out the help of at least one personal computer. When you walk in to any company of any size it is almost impossible not to discover certain kind of computing gadget, usually found in the computer.

Although as changes in laptops seem to occur on a regular basis the structure of the computer has little change beyond processing power. So for a business that is looking to jump off the ground with a technical investment or the company that is trying to update their current level of technology a question is created. Which is better for business, the personal computer or laptops?

When you begin to make the evaluation amongst personal computers and laptops it is often hard to find many benefits to investing in personal computers. With computer you create a necessity for room in an office for the tower, the monitor, the printer, the keyboard, the mouse, the speakers and any other attachments you have to include to make your personal computer meet your business demands.

This necessity for space in the workplace often creates a necessity for a desk or some table space which can include all of these different devices. Another issue that is created with the personal computer relates to the stationary position it places you in. Unless you have a mobile cart that you can push all this equipment on its almost impossible to get any mobility from a PC beyond moving desks.

Laptops on the other hand have several benefits which quickly eliminate many of the weaknesses that are found with personal computers. Laptops usually represent an all in one device which incorporates the tower, the monitor, the keyboard, the mouse and the speakers into a compact size. With the changes in wireless technology several laptops could synchronize up to an office printer that can be utilized by all of your associates rather than purchase a printer for each computer.

Additionally, the shortage of attached gadgets found with laptops along with the reduced size of laptops create the perfect device to supply your contacts with the opportunity of mobility and the possibility to work in the workplace, on the way or also from home. Many laptops can match or exceed the processing power of a PC, making the PC outdated.

Many individuals will argue that laptops represent a greater original cost though those people can easily be silenced with the utilization of intelligent shopping.

When you are looking to invest in laptops (Computadoras) over PC don’t seek your answers through retail merchandisers. Rather look to discover your laptop resources from a low priced technology leader by going to http://www.alusshop.com.mx

martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

¿Qué es un servicio de web hosting?

Un buen servicio de Web HostingDe la manera más simple, voy a usar como ejemplo el sistema inmobiliario para explicar que es un servicio de hosting . Digamos que una arquitecta diseña tu casa, luego contratás a quienes van a construirla y comprás los elementos necesarios para realizar el proyecto. ¿Falta algo? ¡Claro!, necesitas el terreno donde construir la casa.

En Internet, el terreno sería el hosting. Este es el alquiler de tu espacio en Internet. Tu sitio web necesita de este lugar físico/virtual donde alojarse.

¿Y cuáles son las características que necesita tener un servicio de web hosting?
Un buen servicio de web hosting permite que tu sitio web este accesible las 24 horas. Si surge un improvisto, por ejemplo, siguiendo con la alegoría de la casa, si se corta la luz o se tapan las cañerías, un buen servicio de web hosting va a estar allí para resolver cualquier situación y que tu sitio web ¡siga funcionando perfectamente!

¿Qué otras funcionalidades puede tener un servicio de web hosting?
Un servicio de web hosting en Internet es útil no solo si tenés una página web, sino también para tener un mail personal o poder enviar y recibir archivos pesados vía web en muy pocos minutos.

¿Qué servicios de web hosting ofrece Zerohost?

Web hosting individual
Si tenés una página personal o un blog alojada en alguna plataforma web gratuita, lo mejor es alojarla en un servicio de web hosting para ponerle el nombre de dominio que quieras y que de está forma sea más personal, única y en seguida quienes lleguen desde Google por tu contenido puedan asociar lo que están buscando con tu nombre o marca.

Web hosting reseller
Este pack incluye el alquiler de un espacio en Internet mucho más amplio que el que ocupa una página personal, es para poder comenzar tu propio negocio web y ofrecer servicio de web hosting a otras personas.

Servidores dedicados
Si tenés que alojar mucho más que una página web, por ejemplo todo un sistema de software con el que se maneja tu empresa, necesitas un servicio de web hosting de alta capacidad de procesamiento. Este tipo de servicio, en relación con la metáfora del alquiler inmobiliario que utilizamos al principio del post, significaría alquilar no solamente un departamento, ¡sino todo el edifico!

Streaming hosting
Para sostener un programa de radio en la web, lo mejor es un servicio de web hosting que se adecue a sus requerimientos específicos.

cPanel Fantástico Deluxe
Para agregarle diferentes funcionalidades para tu sitio web como foro, blog, galería de imágenes o carrito de compras, de forma rápida, simple y económica, ideamos este paquete que incluye estás y muchas opciones más para ¡darle el mayor provecho a tu sitio web!


Fuente de Informacion:


Compare Laptop Price, Features, User Reviews, Laptop Hot Deals

clip_image002Compare Laptop Price, Features, User Reviews, Laptop Hot Deals

Using Compare Laptops tool to select a laptop that meets all your needs

Buying a laptop is not a guessing game and with so many laptops in the market. Most often, it becomes very difficult for you to make up your mind on what to buy. Every laptop manufacturer today has at least a minimum of 10-25 notebook models to offer, and even if you have the basic idea of what you want, it becomes hard to narrow down to your perfect choice.

Today laptops are not just machines that provide mobile computing. Rather they have evolved into tools of digital lifestyle. Today a laptop is used for computing, entertainment, mobile internet, video conferencing, gaming and much more. But not all laptops have all the functionalities, and each functionality adds to the cost. So how should you systematically go about selecting a laptop that meets your needs and comes at the affordable price?

One feature that is effectively used by comparison websites is Compare Laptop tool. This tool allows you to compare various models on price and features across brands and also different models of the same brand. The common mistake committed by most of the first time buyers of laptop is that they tend to compare only prices of laptops without looking at the features and configuration of the laptops, and therefore buying decision reached is never right.  It is like comparing Maruti 800 with Mercedes Benz C220, and if price is the only consideration then nobody would ever buy Mercedes Benz C220. Compare Laptop tool not only allows you to compare prices of different laptops , but it offers comparison based on features and specifications like Processor, Ram, Hard Drive, Optical Disc Drive and so on. Basically Compare Laptop tool allows you to do like- to- like comparison to arrive at the right buying decision.

A simple three step process will help you select right laptop or any other technology gadget:
Decide what you need laptop for.  For instance, do you need it for basic computing, or running high end applications, or graphic work, or gaming or entertainment? For example a HP pavilion laptop offers more multimedia capabilities when compared to a Dell Studio laptop, but at the same time a Dell Studio is much more suited for heavy computing as compared to HP pavilion notebooks.
After you’ve decided on the use, shortlist models using Compare Laptop tool that meet your criteria with respect to features, components and overall specifications.
Finally compare price of shortlisted models and further narrow down your choice to one to three models that are lowest priced.

Having said that, comparison tool as used in most the comparison websites today has its own limitations and it becomes difficult to narrow down your choices beyond a point.  www.consumermate.com takes this concept a step further and tries to address some of these anomalies. Consumermate allows you to shortlist models based on brand, screen-size, weight, and price before you do comparison on components & features. This allows you to specify your basic requirements before you go to detailed specification sheet. The buying decision is much more simple, accurate and precise this way.

Besides, Consumermate has a user friendly feature of Laptop Guru that through set of simple questions guides a lay-man to ascertain his exact requirements and select appropriate models. This is a very handy tool if you are unable to define your requirements, which is the case most often. In addition, Consumermate has features like Expert Ratings & reviews and user reviews that help you further refine your search.

The whole idea behind comparison tool is to provide choice and transparency to the prospective buyers and thus helping them reach objective and correct buying decision.

Read more about Laptops on www.consumermate.com, your expert buying advice.

David Parks is a well known author and has written articles on Compare laptop Price, Compare laptop features, Manufactures and many other subjects

viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010

Digital Photography Camera Requirements

clip_image001If you are taking the plunge into digital photography, you are going to need a camera. Speed is the key consideration in choosing a digital camera. Because digital cameras need time to transfer the image to your storage media, it is an important issue. This is referred to as ’shutter lag’ by the photography pros. With candid photography, a three-second shutter lag can mean the difference between taking a blah, ordinary photo, or capturing your child with the perfect grin.

Because digital cameras eat up a lot of batteries, you’ll also want startup speed. If you are taking photos intermittently, you’ll want to be able to turn off your camera to preserve battery life. Then you’ll need it to start right up again when the perfect photography moment arises.

Autofocus is another speed requirement in digital photography. You don’t want to wait for your autofocus to resolve your photo after you aim your camera, only to find that your target has wandered off!

Through the lens (TTL) composition is another consideration. TTL refers to the fact that some digital cameras require photographers to compose their photos on an image screen. To allow for the battery-sucking screen to be shut off most of the time, a digital camera with TTL has a viewfinder like a film camera.

You will want manual controls if you are the least bit interested in using digital photography to produce quality photos as a hobby. Someday you may want to compose a photo without using the presets built into your digital camera even if you do not know what those controls do.

Another important element of digital photography is megapixels. Generally, the more megapixels your digital camera can take, the larger your end photographs can be without distorting them. However, the more megapixels, the slower your camera responds. Even just three megapixels will produce large, quality photos.

Jim Zurbrugg is owner of z2marketing and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic, Jim recommends that you visit http://www.itvVentures.com/104465.

jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010

Pyme mexicanas apuestan por mayor capacitación tecnológica

La iniciativa, que se desarrolla por primera vez en la ciudad de Monterrey, apuesta por entregar asesoría y capacitación necesaria en materia TI, de manera que se cumplan con los requisitos mínimos que exigen mercados como el de Estados Unidos o Canadá.

Con el objetivo de que las Pyme de Monterrey avancen en materia de administración de proyectos y desarrollo de software, la Secretaría Económica llevó a cabo el Circuito Tecnológico Avantare Spingere en el Centro para la Industria de Software (CDIS).

La idea es homologar el trabajo que se viene haciendo con las Pyme de Ciudad de México, localidad donde ya se han desarrollado 19 circuitos tecnológicos. La iniciativa, que se realiza por primera vez en Monterrey, pretende aprovechar de mejor manera la amplia base de empresas que se dedican a la generación de software.

Según informó el medio local Milenio.com, los esfuerzos de la Secretaría Económica se han volcado en la capacitación del Modelo de Madurez de Capacidades (CMMI), certificación fundamental para que las Pyme mexicanas del rubro puedan expandir sus productos y servicios hacia Estados Unidos o Canadá.

La Secretaría Económica está apoyando esta iniciativa a través del programa Prosoft, que se encarga de cubrir un porcentaje de la asesoría, ya que una Pyme del área TI podría llegar a gastar hasta US$150 mil en obtener la capacitación.

En esta línea, Elizabeth Almeraz, directora de Consultoría de Avantare, señaló que “el modelo CMMI sirve para ayudar a que todos los empleados tengan la misma visión y capacitación para repetir un éxito, así tienes personal más satisfecho y los accionistas están más satisfechos porque pierden menos”.

Fuente de Informacion:

Categories: Capacitacion de Personal
Tags: Capacitacion de personal, capacitación empresarial en puebla, capacitación grupal, cursos a empresas

Printing Photos on Canvas

clip_image002Printing photos on canvas is the latest trend in the printing industry. If you have a great passion for art and want to display beautiful pictures on your walls, then photo prints on canvas are the best option. Canvas photo prints can also be used for product promotion, advertisements and for tradeshow displays.

The photos are printed on 100% heavy weight pure cotton canvas. This type is durable, enabling excellent framing capability and provides high image quality. Large format printers with pigmented inks are used for printing. These printers embed vibrant colours on the canvas, which are then allowed to dry. Finally, after drying the canvas is stretched and fastened across wooden bars. It is stapled at its edges and then it is ready for hanging.  In the case of large sized substrate, a stretcher with cross bars is used in order to prevent the frame from twisting.  After mounting the canvas on to the frame, some printing service providers also give a coating of varnish to it to give a graceful appearance.

The elegance and beauty of photo canvas prints can easily grasp the attention of onlookers and make any event vibrant. As regards businesses, these elegant prints are the best tools for effective communication, making customers aware of new products and services.  No other medium can compete with canvas because of its capability for excellent fusion of colour and graphics.

Printing photos on canvas has become very popular nowadays with more and more people realizing that this is the best way to keep your magical moments afresh.

Printing photos on canvas is the best option if you are ambitious to display fantastic canvas art prints on your walls. Superchrome is leading digital printing company specialising in large format prints such as photo printing, banner printing, poster printing and signage.

Twitter, Fuera de Servicio

Twitter, Fuera de ServicioDías después de que Twitter anunciase su traslado a un centro de datos propios para mejorar su seguridad, la popular plataforma de microblogging amanecía este domingo fuera de servicio a causa de una actualización de su red interna, según ha informado la propia compañía. El parón en el funcionamiento de Twitter está

relacionado con tareas de mantenimiento que se han llevado a cabo en la red interna del sistema tal y como han explicado desde el proveedor de hosting NTT América y que han provocado que el servicio permaneciera inestable durante unas horas.

«Esperamos regresar en unas horas. Gracias por vuestra paciencia» es la frase elegida por los administradores de este servicio de microblogging para acompañar una curiosa imagen mediante la que han informado a sus usuarios de la interrumpción temporal de la actividad.

Durante las horas en las que el servicio ha permanecido inactivo, los usuarios de Twitter no han podido actualizar su estado ni cargar fotos, aunque, en algunos casos, podían leer algunos de sus «tweets».

Seleccione El Proveedor De Web Hosting Ideal

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martes, 10 de agosto de 2010

Digital Photography Tips – Effective Routine to Take Stunning Pictures With Compact Digital Camera

Like any profession, being a good photographer requires a routine to complete his job effectively. Having a proper routine enables a photographer to take stunning pictures in different conditions. It is completely impossible to accomplish great tasks if you don’t have an effective routine – regardless you’re a professional or an amateur photographer. Apart from that, by having a productive routine, you’ll be able to improve the accuracy of your photo-taking skill and your preparedness in photography.

Here’s the effective routine of a photographer who uses a compact digital camera:

1. Bring along your bag in every photo-taking session

Being a photographer, you must a set of tools to help you take spectacular pictures. You must bring along some spare memory cards – compact flash cards, SD cards or memory sticks, spare batteries – most compact cameras have self-installed batteries, hence you’ve to bring along the camera’s battery charger, tripod – since you cannot rely much your camera’s Image Stabilizer feature to avoid taking blurry pictures, some snacks – just in case there are no food available during your long photo-shoot session; and artificial lighting (if you’re carrying along large-size bag) – i.e. spot lights that are meant for indoor photo shoot.

2. Always shoot in automatic mode

Since the photo-taking process can be so unforgiving, sometimes you’ve to act fast to capture those unforgettable moments or any dazzling images by using the automatic mode. If you have ample of time to take a certain picture, you can manually adjust the camera settings – i.e. colors, contrast, brightness, white balance and many more; so that you can produce good quality image.

3. Always have a habit of re-check your work

In every shot you take, the snapshot is viewable in the LCD mini-screen as soon as you’ve pressed the shutter. If it’s still possible to take another shot, you can capture the image once again and re-check it via the LCD mini-screen. Eliminate those pictures which the subjects are completely overshadowed by any distracting elements of the pictures.

4. Using the right ISO setting

You can manually adjust the ISO settings when you’re taking pictures under different conditions. For instance, if you want to take pictures under dim conditions – you have to use a lower ISO setting (in this case, it’s ISO 400). Same thing for capturing images of fast moving subjects – using the same ISO setting can increase the noise level of the image. If you’re capturing images outdoors – suggested ISO setting is between 800-1600.

lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010

Cuando las llaves de casa las guarda otro

¿Recuerdan hace tiempo cuando decíamos que en internet la llave de acceso a nuestra información era nuestro correo electrónico? Facebook y probablemente Twitter vayan a cambiar eso definitivamente.

Hace unos años, no muchos, uno para aplicar a cualquier aplicación online o servicio solo necesitaba un correo electrónico, este email terminaba auspiciando de llave, resguardando detrás toda nuestra identidad online. Por ejemplo la compra de un dominio y un hosting, se puede hacer tan solo una cuenta de correo vinculada a Paypal con esos pocos requisitos ya podremos realizar todas las gestiones necesarias para tener en menos de una hora todo lo necesario para comenzar a trabajar en un nuevo proyecto.

Obviamente que todas nuestras cosas dependan de una dirección de correo electrónico tiene sus puntos positivos como así también negativos. Si analizamos lo negativo de este sistema en caso infortunio de que nuestra cuenta de correo caiga en manos de personas sin escrúpulos prácticamente podrán hacer y deshacer a su antojo. Ya paso muchas veces, en donde con solo tomar el control de nuestra cuenta de correo terminar cambiando hasta titularidad de dominios, etc etc.

Ahora esto esta cambiando, con la aparición de Facebook Connect y Sign in with Twitter, la llave no solo es una cuenta de correo sino que pasa a ser nuestro acceso a Facebook o Twitter, y eso si bien es positivo depende mucho de como este implementado para que se pueda decir que es una solución al tema del resguardo del libre acceso a servicios y aplicaciones.

Ventajas de gestionar accesos con Facebook y Twitter

  • Es fácil, no tendremos que recordar el usuario y contraseña de todos los servicios que utilizamos.
  • Podemos eliminar nuestras cuentas a otros sitios simplemente negando el acceso a la aplicación desde nuestro perfil.
  • Podemos vincular fácilmente nuestra cuenta con servicios de terceros para interactuar entre ellos.

Desventajas de guardar las llaves con Facebook y Twitter

  • No tenemos absoluto conocimiento del alcance de la aplicación de terceros. Por ejemplo cuando habilitamos el acceso de nuestra cuenta con Facebook Connect estamos autorizando al tercero a acceder a nuestra listas de amigos, eso no mucha gente lo sabe, pero la API de Facebook cuando obtiene el permiso deja al desarrollador hacer prácticamente lo que quiere con la cuenta de la persona que da el ok.
  • Dependemos de un tercero para acceder a nuestros servicios.
  • Estamos aceptando que Facebook o Twitter sean un hub de nuestra vida online. Si estos servicios son el epicentro verificador en lugar de un correo estaremos pendientes de que estos servicios se mantengan firmes en cuantos sus politicas de privacidad.

Como podrán ver existen cosas positivas y negativas en las tres alternativas (email, Facebook y Twitter) no obstante existe una tercer alternativa, que es la que más me gusta, y utilizan varios servicios web como por ejemplo Vimeo.

La tercer forma es la de vincular los tres servicios en caso de desearlo, pero dando predominio a uno sobre los otros, en el caso de Vimeo la última palabra la tiene la cuenta de correo, porque uno se registra al servicio como siempre, tan solo con un nombre de usuario, password y email, y luego va agregando accesos sociales, es decir, vincula su cuenta a perfiles, y esta forma es la que más me gusta a mi.

Fuente: www.alojate.com

Tags: comprar hospedaje web, email hospedaje web, hospedaje web, hospedaje web barato, hospedaje web cpanel, hospedaje web economico, hospedaje web email, hospedaje web en español, hospedaje web en mexico, hospedaje web español, hospedaje web ftp, hospedaje web linux, hospedaje web mexico, hospedaje web paypal, hospedaje web php, hospedaje web profesional, hospedajeweb, mejor hospedaje web

viernes, 6 de agosto de 2010

Are The Plasma Hdtv Reviews Worth Trusting?

What is your approach of buying a Plasma HDTV? Did you take any help while buying your plasma TV set? Or, if you are thinking of buying one, what will be your source of information for that? Well, most people opt for the Plasma HDTV reviews before investing in one of the Plasma TVs. Nine out of ten people turn to the Internet to find latest Plasma HDTV reviews and information. Basically, these Plasma TV reviews are about the product specifications and unique features of the Plasma TVs along with their positive and negative aspects. But the real question is whether the plasma TV reviews are of use for the buyers.

Considering the nature of the Plasma HDTV reviews on the web, you will find several kinds of reviews and each of them has their unique approach.

Reviews From The Manufacturer
If you go through the Plasma HDTV reviews from the manufacturers, you will find how the HDTVs are upgraded with the digital technologies. Mostly, the reviews are about the features and technical details about the Plasma HDTV models. The brands compete with each other to influence their target audience. These reviews are best to know about the technical details of the models.

Affiliate Marketer’ Reviews
The Plasma HDTV reviews presented by the affiliate marketers are about the distinguishing features of the high definition television sets. They give us idea about different models from one or several makes of Plasma TVs. Most of the time these reviews are biased as they focus on only the strength of the models. Undoubtedly, these sites are perfect place where you can compare the product features as well as the prices of the models. But, if you are looking for an unbiased Plasma HDTV reviews these sites have their limitations.

HDTV Review Websites
There are few websites that are dedicated to present unbiased Plasma TV reviews of all different models and brands of Plasma TV. Apart from providing information about the features and product details of the models they display the consumers’ rating on the reviews. These websites may present you two types of Plasma reviews- reviews from the consumers and reviews contributed by the editors judging the performance and popularity of the Plasma TVs. On such websites you will find both the advantages and downside of the Plasma HDTV models.

Personal Reviews
Many people write their personal reviews on Plasma TV models based on their personal experiences. These reviews are generally on a specific model from a specific brand. Or, sometimes you will find comparison between to models of Plasma HDTVs. The consumers are the best judge and can give the best remark about a Plasma TV.

Sometimes, the comments on the Plasma HDTV reviews are helpful in getting added idea about the models.

With super-sharp, crisp image the Plasma HDTV has created a new revolution in the TV viewing experience. But, while deciding on the best Plasma HDTV model, Plasma HDTV reviews can be your best guide.

Charles is a self-proclaimed techno-junky who writes interesting technology-oriented topics to help people make easy buying decisions. His unbiased, impartial and authentic Plasma HDTV reviews are a great help to anyone who wants to make the best buy. Television Reviews written by him help make buying decisions easy as they offer honest Plasma TV reviews.

jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010

How To Find The Best HDTV For Your Home

image Finding the best HDTV for your home is not always the easiest thing to do. There are not only a handful of brands, but each also has several different models of HDTV. So, which is the best HDTV for your home? Join me, as we take a look at some tips that can help you make the best purchase.
One of the biggest considerations to think about when looking to buy the best HDTV, is to first look at space available to you. Space is an important consideration, because for most of us, we just don’t have the space to fit in a HDTV the size used in concerts!
Though you likely don’t need such a big TV, you still have a need for a high definition set that is big enough to give you maximum entertainment enjoyment, when watching TV. This makes the first question to ask, is where you plan to have the TV?
Once you think about where you want to keep your television, you can then start measuring up to find out what kind of sized HDTV you will need to meet your space requirements. A good point with today’s high definition televisions is that they are much more compact and lightweight than old style CRT televisions.
This makes today’s televisions to have a much wider range of applications. For example, you could put the TV on a wall. This gives much more available space in many cases, and also makes you feel that you really have gotten the best HDTV for your own needs and wants.
Though a big high definition television with pristine sound and video is what we all want, the truth is that there is another side of the equation that can easily be overlooked. And that is the budget.
Having a budget, when buying a high definition television set, is essential so you really get the best HDTV for your needs. There is no point putting yourself into a financial position, just to get a television with high definition.
Though most people will end up putting the purchase on plastic, it does not have to bite! The best option is to right now, think about how much you want to spend on your new television set. Having an idea before meeting any kind of salesperson is the best way to go!
Features are by far the biggest aspect to look at. Even though space and money can be an issue, there is another point which needs to be looked into – and that is features. For example, if you plan to use satellite, does the HDTV meet the requirements? Can it work with the set top box?
By thinking of these points, before you buy, you are likely to get a much better deal. Understanding your own needs first, can go a great way when trying to find the best HDTV for your home.

miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010

Marketing en internet: preguntas y respuestas

PictureSi quieres iniciar tu propio negocio en Internet, desarrollar una "sucursal" de tu negocio convencional en Internet, si quieres promocionar un sitio web, o si quieres empezar a comercializar algún producto o servicio por la red, es esencial que aprendas todo lo referido al Marketing en Internet para obtener los máximos resultados posibles.
Después de recibir reiteradamente numerosas preguntas de los visitantes de mi sitio y de los suscriptores del Boletín Educativo, he seleccionado esta serie de preguntas y respuestas frecuentes sobre las principales inquietudes respecto al marketing:
* Pregunta:
Es cierto que hay emprendedores de Internet que están
obteniendo millones de dólares mensuales de ganancia?
** Respuesta:
A pesar que hay algunas personas o empresas que están obteniendo cifras de 5 o 6 ceros en sus ventas online, ellos son la excepción y NO la regla.
Obtener ganancias en Internet requiere de un total empeño y dedicación día tras día.
En los comienzos, se necesita invertir mucho tiempo y esfuerzo.
Pero por sobre todas las cosas, se necesitan conocimientos.
Los conocimientos pueden evitarte cometer errores y ahorrarte mucho tiempo en todas las tareas habituales de tu negocio.
Por ello, si inicialmente te tomas tiempo para aprender y planificar cada paso correctamente, podrás obtener ganancias mas rápidamente y en mayores volúmenes.
* Pregunta:
Recientemente, puse en marcha un sitio web y lo inscribí en algunos buscadores, pero todavía no he tenido ni un solo visitante. Hay algo que estoy haciendo mal?
** Respuesta:
A pesar que activar tu sitio e inscribirlo en los buscadores es un buen comienzo, eso es solo el primer paso.
Algunos emprendedores de Internet creen que todo lo que necesitan hacer es poner sus páginas en algún servidor web de Internet y miles y miles de usuarios comenzarán automáticamente a visitar el sitio!
Desafortunadamente para todos, las cosas no funcionan así.
Conseguir que miles de personas entren a un sitio web, lleva mucho tiempo y esfuerzo. Debes desarrollar un plan de marketing estratégico con técnicas probadas y efectivas y trabajar sobre ello con cierta continuidad.
El mejor consejo que puedo darte es que trates de insertar tus links (los vínculos a tu sitio web) en la mayor cantidad de sitios web relacionados, buscadores y directorios.
A mayor cantidad de links "externos", mayor cantidad de tráfico recibirás en tu web.
Aquí te muestro algunas formas de insertar links en otros sitios:
a) inscribir MANUALMENTE tu sitio en la mayor cantidad de buscadores y directorios de la red.
b) Promover el Intercambio de links con sitios que estén directamente relacionados con el tema de tu sitio, con tus productos, tus servicios o con el tipo de público.
c) Escribe artículos relacionados con tu tema y permite que sean distribuidos libremente o republicados en otros sitios, con el único requisito que se muestre tu firma y tu link al final de los mismos.
Lo enunciado anteriormente, es solo lo "básico".
Existen cientos de técnicas altamente efectivas, tanto para promocionar
un sitio y atraer visitantes, como para convertir esos visitantes en clientes (concretar las ventas).
En breve, mediante este boletín te estaremos enviando mas técnicas!
Fuente de Informacion:


HDTV Monitor Living in the New Millennium

clip_image002Hi-def isn’t confined for television sets only as is proven by an HDTV Monitor. Why restrict your viewing pleasure to watching the television only? Enjoy the same viewing experience when you are working as well.
Computers Put the TECH in Technology
Most of us will have to work with personal computers no matter what our professions really are. Whether you’re employed as a medical doctor, a counsel, a college professor, an office clerk, a businessman or nearly any other career out there, you may face the computer as an element of your job, to play a game for entertainment or simply to communicate with a buddy or a loved one through chatting or sending emails.
Most, if not all, of our PCs as the parts of our PCs as the time or as our own whims will dictate. Remember how most us had to make do with WordStar as our word processor? Or how we marveled at how a thin floppy disk is in a position to save data? There too was a point when the monitor was controlled by a single color like green, blue, grey or black and white. Today the most recent trend, or must have, in monitors is the HDTV monitor.
Multi-Purpose Equates to Being Practical
They may be a bit more dear compared to older monitor models but the acquisition price is easily worth it. I will decide to choose to observe pictures online or thru the disc player in my CPU, or connect the HDTV monitor to a Television box and watch local channels or cable networks or I can similarly connect it to my trusty player which exceeds the picture definition output of the CPU’s disc drive. A computer monitor and a television in one!