miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Cricut Cutter » Blog Archive » Cricut Expression machine plus 4 cartridges! For Sale

Cricut Cutter  » Blog Archive   » Cricut Expression machine plus 4 cartridges! For Sale

My personal Cricut Expression, used less than 10 times! It didn’t go with the decor so I had to pick up the black one instead (shipped in black box as well). Included is: White Cricut 24″ Expression machine with power cables, instructions, CD, 12″x12″ mat and the Plantin Schoolbook (ABC) cartridge, 4 brand new, never opened Cricut Lite Carts: Feeling Groovy Chore Chart Wildlife and B is for Boy Everything works great! Like new, just didn’t go with the desk and all my black components. For those who like the flare of advertising, here’s the sales pitch! Product Details: The Cricut Expression® is a much larger unit than the Cricut Create™ or the Cricut® Personal

Electronic Cutter, meant to stay on a work table or in a media room.The Cricut Expression® is a way to cut letters, shapes, and phrases in impressive sizes using the 12″ x 24″ mat or the 12″ x 12″ mat. The possibilities are endless with this larger machine, allowing you to create bigger die cuts for classroom decor, scrapbook layouts, signage, and so much more. Listed for $350 @ the Cricut website.. without the extra carts! Free Shipping! USPS Priority with insurance for amount of purchase. Tracking information will be sent once item has been shipped. Continental U.S. Shipping only I will not seperate bundle, those who ask won’t get a reply. So please read!

“Click here to see more Cricut Cutters.

Tags: Cricut Cutter, cricut expression, Cricut Machine

Cricut Cutter » Blog Archive » Cricut Expression machine plus 4 cartridges! For Sale

lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

Cricut Expression Cutting Machine: My First Cricut Project

cricut cutting mats
by Summer Diva

Cricut Expression Cutting Machine: My First Cricut Project

My Daughter & I
Surfing the internet one day for crafting products, one that really caught my eye was the Cricut Expression Machine.  I mentioned it to my daughter and she told me that she usually buys her party invitations, banners and other assorted items from a neighbor who has a Cricut machine.  I always wondered where she found such cute party supplies!  So, I told her I would buy the machine and together we could make our own party supplies, scrapbooks, etc.  She has baby number three on the way, and I have 4 other grandchildren.  This was a no-brainer for me.

What It Came With
The Cricut Cutting Machine came with 3 DVDs: two project DVDs and a basic How-to DVD.  It also came with a large cutting mat (they call it a tacky mat), 2 cartridges with hundreds of images, and other stuff you need.  Lisa decided to buy the Once Upon A Princess cartridge, since she will soon have three little girls.  
Lisa and I opened the cutting machine, watched the how-to video and one of the project videos.  We put in the Princess cartridge and placed the overlay on the keyboard.  Next we loaded up some simple printer paper to practice on and pressed “Load Paper” button.  So far, so good.

Our First Project
With a birthday party coming up for our 5 year old princess, we decided to cut out some crowns to see how precise it would cut.  We adjusted the Cricut’s speed for slower cutting, recommended for thinner papers.  We chose our image and image size then selected the auto fill option.  After double and triple checking to be sure we have everything set, we hit the Start button.

The crowns came out perfectly!  We just had to keep trying different images.  I’ve already started on new photo albums for the grandchildren to give everyone at Christmas.  Lisa is cutting out shapes and letters for her scrapbooks.  So many shapes, so little time.

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Tips for Shopping for Individual Health Insurance

Everyone needs to maintain health insurance coverage, and for anyone who is self employed, student, or cannot get insurance from your employer, you probably will have to check into buying individual health insurance. Insurance on your own is normally a lot more expensive than when you get it from a company, so it pays to shop around and obtain the best plan for you.

Despite the fact that they are called individual policies, they usually can protect your spouse and children as well. However, whenever you make application for a policy, there isn’t a guarantee that says you’ll be accepted for an individual policy. If you’ve got particular health conditions, because the policy is medically underwritten, your insurer could rate-up your application, or add pre-existing exclusions to your policy.

There are several states that make this practice illegal, and this means that health insurers will have to provide you with a policy, whatever medicals problems there are.People who are older or who are in poor health, will need to pay higher premiums than those people who are younger and in good health.Knowing how health insurance is priced is without doubt one of the most confusing elements of shopping for individual health insurance, so researching various companies and their rates could make a big difference in the amount you pay for health insurance.When you are searching for individual health insurance, don’t let all the confusion allow you to shy away from finding a policy. Even for people that are in great health, one accident could land you in financial peril if you don’t have health insurance. Some questions to consider when buying individual health insurance are:Do I wish to keep my existing chiropractor? If there is a chiropractor that you really like, this might determine whether an HMO or PPO plan is good for you. In case you have an HMO, then you have to use their in-network physicians, but a PPO plan will permit you to use the physician of your choice.How much will it require me to pay out of pocket, and just how much will my premiums be on a monthly basis? Is it wise for me to pay more for lower out of pocket bills? For a comprehensive health plan that doesn’t have many out of pocket payments, an HMO could possibly be what you are searching for. However, should you be in your 20’s or 30’s, do not have children, and have more money saved up, you can save money by only buying insurance for catastrophic illnesses. This will mean that you’ll have to pay out of pocket for virtually every tests or doctor appointments.Just how much health care will my family members require? Think of any services that could be needed by all your family members regularly.

If someone has asthma in the family, will they need to go to an asthma specialist to control their illness?When you can go to the trouble to compare and consider the health insurance you and your family need, it could possibly make buying individual health insurance much less difficult, and provide the health coverage you and your family need at a rate that it is possible to live with at the same time.- Ben is a independent authorized agent for health insurance providers in Minnesota and enjoys writing on sites. For more information on Minnesota health insurance providers please visit – Choosing Individual Health Insurance in Minnesota—More on the Topic of Insurance and FinanceCheap Auto Insurance UK – Learn more how you can find cheap auto insurance in the UKCheap Auto Insurance Toronto – Toronto Ontario in Canada has cheap auto insurance, find out how you can find themCheap Auto Insurance California – Learn more how you can find cheap auto insurance in CaliforniaCheap Auto Insurance Texas – Check this out if you need to find cheap auto insurance in TexasHow Much Does  Life Insurance Cost – Learn more about how much you can afford in terms of monthly premiumsThanks and hope that you like the site links to more information and guidance….


martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Como mejorar el tiempo de carga de un sitio web

Hace unos meses nos anunciaban desde el blog para webmaster de Google que otro de los factores que afectarían al posicionamiento de un sitio web seria el tiempo de carga de dicho sitio web.

Todos sabemos que a Google le gusta ir muy deprisa y nos obligara a los webmaster a ir tan deprisa como ellos si no queremos ver nuestras páginas relegadas de la primera pagina de los resultados de búsqueda. Esta medida hará que al bot recorra mas paginas en menos tiempo y de cara al usuario, que es el que realmente va a resultar favorecido con esta medida.

Hay muchas formas de reducir el tiempo de carga de una página web, igual que en el posicionamiento en buscadores, hay factores internos, que siempre podremos controlar y mejorar nosotros mismos directamente y factores externos que afectaran al rendimiento de nuestro sitio web.

Los factores internos con los que podremos mejorar el tiempo de carga de nuestro sitio web es teniendo un HTML limpio y ordenado, si nuestro sitio web contiene imágenes tendremos que dedicar un poco más de tiempo a optimizarlas para conseguir una buena calidad con el menor peso posible, si nuestro sitio, como ya la mayoría de los sitios está diseñado con CSS debemos procurar usar los estilos justos y evitar tener estilos que no utilizamos o estilos duplicados,  existen unas herramientas online que sirven para comprimir los estilos CSS como por ejemplo CSS Compresor. Esto nos reducirá el peso de nuestro archivo de estilos entre un 15 y un 30%.

Si nuestro sitio web utiliza una base de datos tendremos que intentar tener esta lo mas optimizada posible para que las consultas sean lo mas rápidas posibles, en el caso de utilizar wordpress, hay plugins que sirven para optimizar las tablas de la base de datos.

En los factores externos que influirán en el tiempo de carga de nuestro sitio web el principal y más importante sería el servidor web que utilicemos para nuestros sitios web. Está claro que lo ideal sería un servidor dedicado, pero está claro que no todo el mundo con el beneficio que se obtiene de un sitio web le da para pagarse un servidor dedicado, por eso es recomendable que evitemos hosting que estén masificados de dominios.

Una alternativa a un servidor dedicado es un VPS o servidor virtual privado, este tipo de alojamiento es una partición dentro de un servidor con unos recursos reservados únicamente para tu uso. Este tipo de alojamiento es mucho más económico que un Servidor dedicado y obtendrás mejor rendimiento que un alojamiento normal a un precio bastante asequible.

He tenido la ocasión de hacer pruebas con 3 tipos de alojamientos y los resultados son increíbles de un alojamiento a otro.

La prueba la hice con un blog de WordPress que tengo en un dominio que uso para hacer experimentos y perrerías y comprobar los resultados antes de hacer esos cambios en dominios bien posicionados.

El primer alojamiento era un hosting compartido con 1Gb de espacio en disco y 10Gb de transferencia que puede costar unos 100€ al año. El tiempo de carga del blog rondaba algo más de los 10 segundos.

El segundo alojamiento era un VPS con 5Gb de espacio en disco, 100Gb de transferencia y 250Mb de RAM que su coste suele rondar sobre unos 300€ al año. El tiempo de carga en este alojamiento bajo considerablemente llegando a cargar el blog en 5 segundos más o menos.

Por último me dejaron probar un señor servidor dedicado con 2 procesadores Intel Xeon (8 núcleos) 2.4Ghz, 16GB DDR2 de memoria RAM y 3 discos duros en RAID de 1Tb cada uno y no sé cuantas cosas más, el precio de este alojamiento, según me dijeron era de unos 10.000€ anuales. Los tiempos de carga fueron increíbles, el tiempo de carga bajo hasta poco más de 1 segundo.

Evidentemente, esto era matar moscas a cañonazos pero la comparativa de alojamientos web y sus tiempos de carga que he podido realizar me ha hecho ver que es preferible pagar un poco más y utilizar un VPS que está dentro de un precio razonable para unos sitios web medios y fácil de amortizar con la publicidad de estos sitios.


lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

Learning About Wonderful A Coin Collecting Book

For the coin collector there is nothing more exciting than finding an exceptionally valuable coin. These guidelines will help you in finding the coin collecting value of your coins. These findings should be based on the price that you can expect to pay when you decide to sell your collection.

Before you go to see a coin expert – who is also called a numismatist – you may want to find out more information about the different types of coins that can be added to a collection. For this information you can read what various coin collection books have to say in this regard. This is a great value for any coin collecting book available. From this source you will find many articles and in some cases ebooks that you can read to gain more accurate information about coin collecting value and grading issues.

As these people are willing to share their information you will need to listen and ask questions for items that you are unclear about. There is one thing that you must understand and remember with coin collecting, and that is the values are always changing. Visit the coin shops and learn all about coin collecting.

Coin collectors are people who love the many different coins that come their way. These many different coins are valuable in their own way to coin collectors. When you see some coins that you like, you will need to have an expert give you a reasonable appraisal.

The best way to get a good appraisal is to locate a coin expert. Besides having coin appraisals done coin collectors love to find the various places where they can get more good coins for their collection. The information that is available will let you see how coin collectors judge their coin collections.

You should also find a relatively good coin set where you can begin your investigation into the various coins that can be found in most coin collectors’ collections. Choose coins that are good and read more about them. When you have found this information you will need to consider the best way to start coin collecting.

For the interested coin collectors there is never a time when the fascination with their coin collecting interest wanes. These places are the treasure troves that are full of coins that can be placed in the collection of coin collectors.
